
Domenico Tiepolo. A New Testament.

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COD: 9780253348098 Categorie: , ,
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Data di pubblicazione

Bloomington & Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 2006. Cm. 28×22, pp. 863, tavv. e ill. a col. e in nero n. t., cart. e sovrac.

Catalogo della mostra tenutasi a New York nel 2006.

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In this major new work of art history, the authors assemble, present, and document for the first time a cycle of 313 drawings of scenes from the New Testament by the eighteenth-century Venetian drafsman Domenico Tiepolo. When Domenico died, the drawings were dispersed among various purchasers. Locating, identifying, and documenting them required years of detective work of Gealt and Knox. This book presents the fruits of their labors and is a treasure that any art lover will wish to own.

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