
A Kingdom of Images. French Prints in the Age of Louis XIV, 1660-1715. Edited by: Peter Fuhring, Louis Marchesano, Rémi Mathis, and Vanessa Selbach.

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COD: 9781606064504 Categoria:
Peso1,50 kg


Data di pubblicazione


Los Angeles, Getty Museum, 2015. Cm. , pag. 344, fig a col. e in nero n. t., tela e sovrac.

Catalogo della mostra: Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute at the Getty Center, 2015.

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Once considered the golden age of French printmaking, Louis XIV’s reign saw Paris become a powerhouse of print production. During this time, the king aimed to make fine and decorative arts into signs of French taste and skill and, by extension, into markers of his imperialist glory. Prints were ideal for achieving these goals; reproducible and transportable, they fueled the sophisticated propaganda machine circulating images of Louis as both a man of war and a man of culture.

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